This Songkran must have a Corporate Portrait! iNNERWork would like to offer happiness with valuable promotions. In lieu of gratitude for all the time we have for each other with the profile photoshoot promotion that has a discount of more than 35% so that all clients can get beautiful pictures to improve brand credibility and the organization’s reputation. Plus, our services are complete in one place, no additional retouching fees added.
This exclusive promotion has the following details:
- Take photos of executives or people within the organization full day.
- Receive 50 images of Retouch file.
This promotion starts from 1 – 30 April 2023. Special price of only 32,XXX baht from the full price of 52,000 baht. Because of this promotion we are extremely limited, don’t miss it. For anyone who wants to ask for more details, you can contact us or call 081 258 8787.
For anyone who is looking for a great value promotion for Photoshoot and Packshot images to be further used for promotion and marketing in the future. Click now!